Download A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers (Wiley-Scrivener #1)
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Author: Johannes Fink
Dаtе аddеd: 7.07.2012
ІSBN: 9780470624234
This reference focuses on additives for thermoplastic polymers and describes 21 of the most important and commonly used additives from Plasticizers and Fillers to Optical Brighteners and.

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A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers (Wiley-Scrivener #1)
Scrivener Publishing
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A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers (Wiley-Scrivener #1)
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polymer ( pl ' -mr ) n. Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked